Tuesday 6 May 2014

Engleza de afaceri/ The stock market


START ENGLISH. Watch, listen, speak. Tips and tricks about English.

Lately I have noticed some mistakes concerning the correct use of to do and to make.
So, how do you think it is correct: to do a report or to make a report, to make profit or to do profit, do business or make business, make a course or do a course, do a project or make a project ?..

To make a report, to make profit, to do business, to do a course, to make a project.

Care este diferenta dintre auction si tender? (una din greselile tipice intr-un document de engleza de afaceri, pentru ca in limba romana sunt similare).

Auction =a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids (= offers of money) for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most.

Tender (offer) = a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price. Daca vreti sa participati la o licitatie pentru un contract, cuvantul corect este tender.

Start Business English pentru 300 lei pe luna!
Inscrieri curs engleza de afaceri luni si/sau miercuri, intre orele 16-20. 0722.841.053 / 0767.57.19.29.


Web: www.cursinengleza.ro I www.engleza-de-afaceri.ro
Tel: 0722.841.053
E-mail: contact@engleza-de-afaceri.ro.

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