Saturday, 7 September 2013

Cursuri engleza de afaceri

The first courses for the advanced business English classes relate to Corporate Culture. As I have written previously in my articles about the syllabuses for legal English, for this type of English courses, introducing, understanding and using the new vocabulary in context is of utmost importance.

The people who know me and my "method" are aware of the fact that I reject memorizing. Basically I hate learning by heart due to the fact that I have had to "perform" this on various occasions during my years of study and I still fail to see the results. So I always appreciate from my students (and not only) the ability to make use of their imagination and also to use the new vocabulary in contexts that they themselves create.
For example try  to use these phrases in context: "sink or swim", "red tape", "bonus", "perk", "incentive", "bill of exchange", "yardstick", "streamlining".

OK, I admit, it is very easy to google them, but in most cases what you get is not all the time reliable.
To be continued.


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