Monday, 8 July 2013

Engleza de afaceri/ English for interviews

START ENGLISH. Watch, listen, speak. Tips and tricks about English.

At the request of my students, I include in the syllabus for my business English courses topics related to interviews. I have also developed this in previous articles HERE and HERE.

As I have mentioned before, during the interview-related courses I stage activities dedicated to this topic. I ask some students to prepare questions as if they are the interviewers, and other students prepare questions as if they are the applicants. Both sets of questions are equally important. I advise my students who are the interviewers to think of tricky questions, such as “Have you ever been fired? “ and my students who are the applicants to think of questions that being asked will show preoccupation towards the culture of the company.

A tip for my students is to try to use as much of Present Perfect Tense as they can. For an expert user, this is a clear sign of proficiency.

To be continued.

Mai multe informatii despre cursul de engleza de afaceri gasiti pe pagin noastra specializata:

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