Tuesday 10 January 2012

Learn English/ About the Cambridge examinations (2)

I have introduced facts about these examinations in my previous articles and I will expand this topic with some information about the Use of English paper for the CAE.
This paper consists of five parts and it tests the control of the English grammar and vocabulary. There are 50 questions in total and the time frame is one hour.
One of the tasks includes choosing between two different phrases to fill in the gaps in some texts. The task is not difficult but it requires a lot of attention. Sometimes the phrases to fill in can be confusing because they are not very common in everyday language.
A few tips: read the sentences carefully and attentively. Also read them using the two phrases alternatively. Use your sense of the language that you are supposed to have at this level of knowledge to choose the right phrase, when you are not sure whichever is appropriate in that particular sentence.
More about the Use of English paper for the CAE, you can find in the article here.
If you wish to apply for a course, all the information is here.

Next week I will have an article about the Cambridge FCE.


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