Thursday, 4 April 2013

Engleza de afaceri/Your presentation

START ENGLISHWatch, listen, speak. Tips and tricks about English.

Everybody must have had a presentation and once in a blue moon, it can be a challenge.

First and foremost, write your presentation in clear and simple sentences and make sure you are familiarized with the concepts you deal with. Then, extract the gist of your presentation to be shown on some slides. If it is the case, you should include some graphs or pictures because people remember and understand better this stuff, as compared to just words. And you should not talk too much, but to present the concepts you can show  in the pictures and graphs. All the time when you present key concepts in evolution, do it in a graph.
Next, prepare the possible questions that the audience can ask you. If you are not very sure of some of the ideas you develop, it is wiser not to mention them at all and this to avoid questions to which you may not know the answer.
My occupation has taught me that the simpler the ideas the happier the people.
Break a leg!  

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